Enter an oasis of Dutch Design, street food and cocktails. In an environment where sustainability and luxury go hand in hand and where the music fits perfectly with the environment and the atmosphere. During the evening the music will be turned up a little bit, because at Clichee time stands still.

All day brunch – Streetfood – Diner
Clichee is open on Wednesday evening (from 16 o’clock) and Thursday until Sunday (from 10 o’clock) for all day brunches, street food (lunch or diner, as you prefer) and drinks.. Inspiration for the dishes on our menu is gained from all over the world and is always up-to-date: totally hip. Our menu changes regularly and can be found here.
“One cannot think well,
love well, sleep well,
if one has not dined well.”
Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own